Top Discord Servers List

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Our partners are awesome! The team works with them for the quality of the content they offer and choose to distribute; check out the projects that support us on this page.


Anim'Otaku Logo

All the manga and anime news is to be found on Anim'Otaku!
Keep up to date with the releases of the moment and the next seasons to come of your favorite anime.
Join a community passionate about manga and anime now!

Visit Anim'Otaku 🍚


Logo Aldenya

Aldenya is a friendly Discord server with a competent moderation team.
Discover a community made for gamers, Pc as well as Mobile, structured and constantly expanding, with animations for all tastes like wolfy, Among US and many others.
Have fun with Discord Bots such as Pokemon, Drafbot, Mudae, Casino and win Nitros in Giveaways or Animations almost every weekend.
The server also offers a dedicated lounge for YouTubers and Streammers who want to showcase their content.
Join Aldenya to share your own universe with a cool community!

Join Aldenya 🎮